Client Journey: Heading Toward Retirement

A married couple in their late fifties came to The Colony Group after having received a large inheritance consisting of shares of a single publicly traded stock as well as a distribution of shares of the same stock from a trust established by a family member. With two careers,...

Client Journey: A Corporate Executive & His Family

A corporate executive who is married with three children came to The Colony Group after acquiring significant wealth from stock options through a previous employer. At the time he and his wife came to see us, their two oldest children were in college, their youngest was a minor with...

Client Journey: A Community Health Foundation

Following the sale of a community hospital, we began working with the newly formed community health foundation that was started with the proceeds from the sale. Launching the foundation was very important in this economically depressed area, with high unemployment, high teen pregnancy and high school dropout rates, and...

Client Journey: A Boarding School

In 2006, we were hired to work with a female college preparatory boarding school. Enrollment had been stagnant, and the Board was worried that they were not operating under a strong fiduciary model. Funds were being managed in a single strategy, and performance was not being monitored. They had...

Get Serious About Recruiting Women Advisors

As appeared in FinancialAdvisorsIQ For a client-centric practice, there is no more critical indicator of future success than the composition of its team. Thus, every advisory firm’s top priority...

Some Things to Consider about Gifts to Children

If you make significant gifts to your children or someone else’s children, or if someone else makes gifts to your children, there are a number of things for you...